R. brachycarpum ssp. brachycarpum
R. brachycarpum ssp. brachycarpum
Native to central and southern Korea, and the mountainous northern and central parts of Japan, this hardy species is known as 'Fujiyama' in Japan. R. brachycarpum withstands wind and dry mineral soil better than most rhododendrons, and is hardy to -10 deg F or even colder. There are even reports that it can take -40 deg F, but this may be certain forms. The flowers are white to pale rose with yellowish brownish green spots in the throat. This species had incredibly handsome foliage that looks almost tropical and is oblong with rounded bases.
Premium Variety – This variety has proven itself over time to be a higher-grade plant with better performance, a higher degree of attractiveness, and is hard to find and purchase.
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