Dierama pulcherrimum (Angel's Fishing Rod)
Dierama pulcherrimum (Angel's Fishing Rod)
We love this evergreen perennial (in mild climates) for its outstanding and unusual display of pale pink to magenta to white flowers that hang along wiry stems like little 'fish' from a pole. The display will be particularly striking if situated against dark green shrubs, or near a pond or pool. The plant will grow to 4-5 ft tall when it has its wands, and flowers from early to late summer. Because it looks like a grass, one can combine them with ornamental grasses, blending into the landscape. Then when the flowering starts, it becomes the most decorative of the grass-like plants. This one is a bit challenging to grow, with the hardiness good to zone 8 & 9. Once it becomes established, it is 'good to go'! The color of the flowers may vary.
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