Cryptomeria japonica, commonly known as the Japanese Cedar or Sugi, is a coniferous evergreen tree native to Japan. Japanese Cedar is the national plant of Japan and often planted near shrines and temples. There seems to be a lot of debate on whether or not Cryptomeria is native to China. There are massive, ancient Japanese Cedar forests in China, but due to a long history of trade between China and Japan, it’s possible that the Japanese Cedars are introduced species, not native. The wood from Cryptomeria has many desirable characteristics making it highly sought after by woodworkers and builders alike. The fragrant, reddish brown wood is lightweight but strong, and waterproof, making it resistant to decay. It is great for building ships, houses, bridges, furniture, and for ornamental carvings.
The name Cryptomeria comes from the Greek roots krypto meaning ‘to hide’ and meris meaning ‘parts’ in reference to the reproductive structures of the Japanese Cedar being easily hidden. The Japanese Cedar is a monoecious tree meaning the male and female reproductive structures will be found on different parts of the same branch. The male cones typically appear in clusters near the tips of young branchlets, furthest away from the main branches and the trunk. Cryptomerias are wind-pollinated so the male cones are able to release their pollen better when located at the very tips of the branches where they have the most wind-exposure. The female cones appear at the tips of older branchlets, but are tucked away a bit closer to the main branches and trunk. They are also a bit larger than the male cones.
Despite being called a cedar, these are not true cedars (Cedrus) but have some of the same characteristics like aromatic evergreen foliage. When referring to the Cryptomeria, it is always important to add the ‘Japanese’ in front of ‘Cedar’ to avoid confusion. Cryptomeria is a monotypic genus within the Cypress Family (Cupressaceae), meaning there is only one species in that genus.
What makes Cryptomeria great for gardening? These evergreen beauties are very sculptural in shape, can have amazing fall/winter color and grow to impressive sizes quite quickly. Their unique, twisted foliage creates a fun texture in the garden. Japanese Cedars prefer rich, moist, well-drained, acidic soils but can adapt to other soil types. They can grow well in full sun to light shade. In their native habitats, the Japanese Cedar can grow 75-100+ feet tall with a trunk nearly 8 feet across! In the United States, they grow closer to 50-60 feet tall and 20-30 feet wide. Due to their massive size, they make a wonderful alternative to Leyland Cypress for screening purposes. Don’t have the space for a massive tree? Lucky for you, some cultivars of Cryptomeria are much smaller in size! Check out what we have available below!
Japanese Cedars Available Now!
- Cryptomeria j. ‘Compressa’ – Dwarf (1-5 Ft in 10 Years), Compact Ball Shape, Green Year-Round
- Cryptomeria j. ‘Spiralis’ – Intermediate (5-10 Ft in 10 Years), Upright Mound, Bronze Winter Color in Colder Climates
- Cryptomeria j. ‘Elegans’ – Large (10+ Ft in 10 Years), Burgundy Winter Color, Sculptural Shape, Fantastic Windbreak or Hedge!
- Cryptomeria j. ‘Elegans Aurea’ – Large (10+ Ft in 10 Years), Lime Green Year-Round, Sculptural Shape, Fantastic Windbreak or Hedge!
- Cryptomeria j. ‘Little Diamond’ – Dwarf (1-5 Ft in 10 Years), Globose Shape, Green Year-Round
- Cryptomeria j. ‘Mushroom’ – Intermediate (5-10 Ft in 10 Years), Mushroom-Cap Shaped Mound, Bronze Winter Color
- Cryptomeria j. ‘Sekkan Sugi’ – Intermediate (5-10 Ft in 10 Years), Striking Yellow Foliage in Full Sun, Green Foliage where Shaded, Almost Columnar in Shape
- Cryptomeria j. ‘Tansu’ – Dwarf (1-5 Ft in 10 Years), Conical Shape, Light Bronze Cast to the Foliage in the Winter
- Cryptomeria j. ‘Tenzan’ – Super Dwarf! (<1 Ft in 10 Years), Bun Shaped, Light Bronze Cast in the Winter
- Cryptomeria j. ‘Rasen Sugi’ – Large (10+ Ft in 10 Years), Tall and Slender Column, Dark Green Foliage Year-Round
- Cryptomeria j. ‘Black Dragon’ – Intermediate (5-10 Ft in 10 Years), Conical Shape, Extremely Dark Green Foliage Year-Round